Precise, automated technology that will not only meet your build expectations, it will exceed them.



After assembly, the boards are cured via our reflow ovens through a total forced convection process.  This allows greater equilibrium to reflow and reduces the likelihood of overheating, which can thermally stress the components and printed circuit boards. Temperature gradients across boards packed with both large and small components are minimized as a result. 




Up to 70% of all assembly fallouts can be attributed to the solder paste printing process and solder paste defects*? We get ahead of this issue with our laser section microscope, which permits non-contact dimensional measurements of solder paste deposition. This technology allows us even tighter control over the quality of the printed circuit boards we assemble.

*Huang, Chien-Yi & Lin, Yueh-Hsun & Ying, Kuo-Ching & Ku, Chen-Liang. (2011). The solder paste printing process: Critical parameters, defect scenarios, specifications, and cost reduction. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology. 23. 211-223. 10.1108/09540911111169057.